In Touch 3/22/23
Becky Guffin with the Aberdeen Pubic School District joins us to talk about everything going on at central and beyond this month…
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Becky Guffin with the Aberdeen Pubic School District joins us to talk about everything going on at central and beyond this month…
Three people were arrested in a traffic stop earlier this month in near Sisseton. According to the Robert’s County Sheriff’s office, the arrest happened just
( – Watertown, SD) A Tuesday night fire has destroyed the John Deere farm implement dealership in Madison, Minnesota, and led to the evacuation of
Date Name Type Status Notes 03/22/23 Aberdeen Christian School Schools 10am Start 03/22/23 Bowdle High School Schools Two hours late 03/22/23 Britton/Hecla High School Schools
Dakota Broadcasting
506 S Main St, Suite 3
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Office Phone: 605-725-5551
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Dakota Broadcasting/Community First Broadcasting
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