In Touch 10/24/24
Becky Guffin from the Aberdeen Public School District joins us to talk about everything going on at Central and beyond this month…
Welcome to our new site!
Becky Guffin from the Aberdeen Public School District joins us to talk about everything going on at Central and beyond this month…
A motorcyclist died this morning in a two-vehicle collision nine miles west of Sioux Falls, SD. The names of the persons involved have not been
The State of South Dakota is reminding employers effective January 1st 2025 the state’s minimum wage for non-tipped employees will increase. Effective January 1st, the
Dakota Broadcasting
506 S Main St, Suite 3
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Office Phone: 605-725-5551
Maverick Request Line: 605-725-4105
The Shark Request Line: 605-725-4107
Dakota Broadcasting/Community First Broadcasting
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