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In Touch

In Touch 10/14/24

Rick Kline with the Aberdeen Catholic School system joins us to talk about everything going on at Roncalli and beyond this month…

In Touch 10/08/24

Alexa Sheldon with the Aberdeen Downtown Association joins us to talk about their upcoming brew walk…

Aberdeen City Attorney’s office seeks guidance regarding city medical marijuana policy

The Aberdeen City Council discussed its medical marijuana licensing policy Monday night at its regular city council meeting.

City Attorney Ron Wager said the city issued six permits to open a medical marijuana dispensary, but only two of the six actually opened with four of the issued permits expiring. Wager says its up to the council what it wants to do with the four others issued…  



In Touch 10/14/24

Rick Kline with the Aberdeen Catholic School system joins us to talk about everything going on at Roncalli and beyond this