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In Touch

In Touch 9/06/24

Travis Lemer from Parks and Rec joins us to preview the fall/winter season…

In Touch 9/05/24

Cartor Carlson from the Aberdeen Kiwanas club join us to talk about the upcoming children’s carnival…

Aberdeen City Council passes first reading of 2024-2028 capital improvement plan

The Aberdeen City Council at its regular city council meeding Monday approved the first hearing of the 2024 to 2028 capital improvement plan. The capital improvement plan is updated every four years and outlines community infastrucutre projects and more. One area of interest is the possibility of Downtown Aberdeen becoming a two way street. City Manager Robin Bobzien talked about that prospect…



In Touch 9/06/24

Travis Lemer from Parks and Rec joins us to preview the fall/winter season…

In Touch 9/05/24

Cartor Carlson from the Aberdeen Kiwanas club join us to talk about the upcoming children’s carnival…
