Aberdeen Mayor Travis Schaunaman visited Dakota Broadcasting recently and talked a host of issues regarding the city along with his re-election bid.
Schaunaman enters the final year of his first five-year term as mayor in 2024 and now plans to run for re-election. Mayor Schaunaman says its a sacrifice but there is still work he wants to get done…
Schaunaman talked about Aberdeen’s water situation heading into 2024. The city has struggled to maintain both the quality of water and the amounts necessary for growth.
Mayor Schaunaman says the city has announced a new agreement with WEB water which in the near future will aliviate some of those issues…
Mayor Schaunaman also spoke about the two-way downtown Aberdeen. Currently, Aberdeen has a one-way main street heading north. Several businesses as well as the Aberdeen Downtown Association are pushing to make it a two lane heading north and south.
Mayor Schaunaman says the city is prepared to make the change, but needs the state Department of Transportation to do their part also…