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In Touch

In Touch 9/06/24

Travis Lemer from Parks and Rec joins us to preview the fall/winter season…

In Touch 9/05/24

Cartor Carlson from the Aberdeen Kiwanas club join us to talk about the upcoming children’s carnival…

Aberdeen Police Dept. and Brown County Sheriff’s Office address Brown County Commission about recent blood draw controversy

Aberdeen Chief of Police Dave McNeil spoke before the Brown County Commission Tuesday claiming to set the record straight regarding recent allegations from the Brown County Sheriff’s office about a blood draw gone wrong.

Sheriff employee MJ Lunzman, the wife of Brown County Sheriff Dave Lunzman, criticized the police department claiming the Aberdeen Police officer provided the blood tube and paperwork before she drew the blood for a DUI arrest.

The Police Department disputes that, saying she acted without a warrant and outside police protocols. McNeil says the issue boils down to the sheriff employing his wife.

McNeil provided seven ideas to the commission he thought could help smooth over workforce issues within the Sheriff’s office to the Brown County Commission. Among the seven was the idea Sheriff Lunzman should not employ his wife.

Lunzman defended his department following McNeil’s speech, saying he wanted to add context to the night of the blood draw in question…

Sheriff Lunzman maintains he did not initially want to hire his wife and only did so after he could not find a qualified candidate.


