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In Touch

In Touch 9/12/24

The folks from the Aberdeen Catholic School System join us to talk about everything going on at Roncalli and beyond this month…

In Touch 9/11/24

Joe Kirby from South Dakota Open Primaries joins us to talk about Amendment H and more…

Brown County Fair kicks off Monday

The 2024 Brown County Fair officially kicks off Today and will run through the following Sunday. Most fair activities will begin on Tuesday, including the midway and carnival rides opening at 5:00 p.m., but tonight will feature the first night of the Dacotah Stampede Rodeo. The rodeo will begin at 7:00 p.m. Other grandstand entertainment this year includes on Wednesday Sawyer Brown with special guest Ned LeDoux, Thursday features Gabby Barrett with Tigerlilly Gold, Friday features Sugar Ray, Smash Mouth and Lit, Saturday features Russell Dickerson with special guest Matt Stell and Sunday will feature the Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show.

