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In Touch

In Touch 9/06/24

Travis Lemer from Parks and Rec joins us to preview the fall/winter season…

In Touch 9/05/24

Cartor Carlson from the Aberdeen Kiwanas club join us to talk about the upcoming children’s carnival…

CDC reports South Dakota saw largest drop in OD deaths from 2021 to 2022

The Center for Disease Control reports South Dakota saw the greatest decrease in overdose deaths in the country in 2022. According to the report, South Dakota’s deaths by OD were down 18 percent from the previous year. A total of 84 people died due to overdose in 2022, down from 102 in 2021. The numbers show the entire country’s OD death rate decreased by 2 percent during that same time period. Iowa was the only state in the nation which did not see overdose deaths change from 2021 to 22.



In Touch 9/06/24

Travis Lemer from Parks and Rec joins us to preview the fall/winter season…

In Touch 9/05/24

Cartor Carlson from the Aberdeen Kiwanas club join us to talk about the upcoming children’s carnival…
