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In Touch

In Touch 2/05/25

The folks from the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce joins us to talk about Business After Hours and more…

Closings/Delays 3/13/23

03/13/23Britton/Hecla High SchoolSchools10am StartBuses on plowed roads only
03/13/23Doland High SchoolSchools10am Start
03/13/23Ellendale High SchoolSchools1 hour lateBuses where possible
03/13/23Faulkton High SchoolSchools10am StartBuses where possible
03/13/23Frederick High SchoolSchools2 Hours LateBuses where possible
03/13/23Gettysburg High SchoolSchools10am Start
03/13/23Groton Area High SchoolSchools2 Hours LateBuses on plowed roads only
03/13/23Hoven High SchoolSchools10am Start
03/13/23Ipswich High SchoolSchools10am StartNo morning pre-school
03/13/23Langford Area High SchoolSchools10am Start
03/13/23Leola High SchoolSchools10am Start
03/13/23Northwestern High SchoolSchools10am StartNo morning pre-school. Buses will run an hour and a half late
03/13/23Redfield High SchoolSchools2 hours late
03/13/23Summit High SchoolSchools1 Hour late
03/13/23Warner High SchoolSchools10am StartBuses where possible
03/13/23Waubay High SchoolSchools10am StartBuses where possible
03/13/23Webster Area High SchoolSchools2 Hours LateBuses where possible
