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In Touch 2/05/25

The folks from the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce joins us to talk about Business After Hours and more…

In Touch 2/03/25

Brodie Meuller with the Market on the Plaza joins us to talk about Thrusday’s Bock poke and upcoming indoor farmer’s market…

Congressman Johnson and other midwest lawmakers launch “Biofules Caucus”

Biofuels Caucus Leadership Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.), Adrian Smith (R-NE), Angie Craig (D-MN), and Mark Pocan (D-WI) re-launched the Congressional Biofuels Caucus for the 118th Congress.

The Congressional Biofuels Caucus is a bipartisan caucus keeping Members of Congress and their staff informed and engaged on developments in the biofuels industry. The caucus works with stakeholders to ensure policy reflects the role biofuels play in bolstering our nation’s domestic fuel supply and production, and creating jobs across rural America.

“Biofuels are a tool in unleashing the full potential of American-made energy,” said Johnson. “The Biofuels Caucus organizes support and takes action at the Congressional level to protect the production and use of biofuels across America, lowering prices, increasing energy supply, and increasing American energy security.”

“I am proud to be named one of the co-chairs of the Biofuels Caucus again this Congress,” said Rep. Adrian Smith (NE-03). “The Biofuels Caucus has been impactful in promoting the availability and importance of biofuels as an energy source. Nebraska is a biofuels powerhouse, and I am committed to ensuring Nebraskans are always part of these policy discussions.”

“Every summer, Minnesota’s Second District is 60% covered in corn and soybeans, so we know firsthand the power of biofuels,” said Rep. Angie Craig (MN-02). “I’m looking forward to working with my colleagues on the Congressional Biofuels Caucus to increase bipartisan support for those farmers and producers, expand access to biofuels as an energy source and bring fuel costs down for Minnesotans.”

“I am glad to join my colleagues in the Congressional Biofuels Caucus to fund investment in biofuels infrastructure and update the EPA’s greenhouse gas modeling for ethanol and biodiesel,” said Rep. Mark Pocan (WI-02). “Corn growers in Wisconsin deserve to have an even playing field in the market dominated by the oil and gas industry. These bills will help us further understand how biofuels can help us reach our emissions reduction goals while investing in rural jobs and infrastructure.”

“Part of what keeps our industry so strong is the unwavering support we receive from this bipartisan group of legislators,” said Emily Skor, CEO of Growth Energy. “We look forward to working with the Congressional Biofuels Caucus in the 118th Congress to expand consumer access to American-made biofuels like ethanol, and to educate other policymakers about the impact our industry is having right now on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and lowering costs for American families.”

“RFA is excited to see the Congressional Biofuels Caucus is being reconstituted for the 118th Congress,” said Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Geoff Cooper. “The Caucus serves a vital role in educating House members on the numerous benefits of renewable fuels, and advancing crucial legislation. We thank Representatives Dusty Johnson, Adrian Smith, Angie Craig and Mark Pocan for leading the Caucus, and we look forward to working with them to promote and advance biofuel policies that benefit the rural economy, the environment, and consumer pocketbooks.”

“Corn farmers appreciate Reps. Dusty Johnson, Angie Craig, Adrian Smith and Mark Pocan taking the lead and co-chairing the House Biofuels Caucus in this Congress,” said National Corn Growers Association President Tom Haag. “Biofuels like ethanol offer solutions for energy, environmental and economic issues that Members of Congress from both parties care about. The bipartisan House Biofuels Caucus works together to advocate for those solutions, and NCGA encourages House members to join the Caucus.”



In Touch 2/05/25

The folks from the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce joins us to talk about Business After Hours and more…