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In Touch

In Touch 10/08/24

Alexa Sheldon with the Aberdeen Downtown Association joins us to talk about their upcoming brew walk…

In Touch 10/07/24

The folks from the Aberdeen Home Brew Club join us to talk about home brewing…

Davison County Commission votes to combine county treasurer and auditor into one position

(KORN – Mitchell, SD) Following more than an hour of public testimony, both for and against, Davison County Commissioners voted 4 to 1 to approve a new ordinance designed to combine the offices of treasurer and auditor into a new County Finance office.

Commission chairman Randy Reider vote “yes”….

Commissioner Chris Nebelsick voted “no”…………

Opponents said they’d refer the ordinance to a public vote with is allowed by state law. Commissioners are currently looking to hire a deputy auditor as election season approaches.

