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In Touch

In Touch 2/05/25

The folks from the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce joins us to talk about Business After Hours and more…

Documents regarding child pornography investigation and Denny T. Sanford released

Documents regarding the investigation into Denny Sanford and possible connections to child pornography have been released to the public. Sanford has fought the release of these documents all the way to the state supreme court, where the Supreme court unanimously agreed with the circuit court decision to make the documents public. According to the affidavit, Sanford’s involvement in the investigation came after a cyber tip linked an AOL email account operated by Sanford. According to the tip, 36 image files were suspected to contain child pornography. Three images were repeated several times. Investigators found photos on a phone. In a statement, Sanford said multiple people had access to those accounts and investigators said users could have remote access as well. Sanford was not charged in this case and it is unknown if he is the subject of any sort of federal investigation.

