(KCCR – Pierre, SD) A former t-v political reporter has pleaded guilty to a lesser charge in Stanley County for making a prank phone call involving Governor Kristi Noem. Austin Goss, formerly of Dakota News Now pleaded guilty Tuesday to Disorderly Conduct, a Class Two Misdemeanor. The original charge of Making Threatening, Harassing or Misleading Contacts was dismissed. Goss’ attorney Jason Glodt says the prank call is an unfortunate case and that charges shouldn’t have filed, but appreciates Stanley County States Attorney Tom Maher’s willingness to reduce the charge. He added a number of state lawmakers who passed the bill that the charges came from in 2022 have reached out expressing remorse about the law leading to this result. Glodt believes Goss is the first person to have been charged under the law. Goss apologized in Court to the Governor, the target of the prank call, his family and the law enforcement who devoted time away from other crimes to investigate the matter. Goss was given a suspended imposition of sentence. He received a suspended 30 day jail sentence, one year of probation and fine of 500-dollars.

In Touch 2/05/25
The folks from the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce joins us to talk about Business After Hours and more…