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In Touch

In Touch 9/06/24

Travis Lemer from Parks and Rec joins us to preview the fall/winter season…

In Touch 9/05/24

Cartor Carlson from the Aberdeen Kiwanas club join us to talk about the upcoming children’s carnival…

General election ballot now available online.

The 2022 general election ballot for South Dakota voters is now available and can be viewed online. Voters are encouraged to look up the ballot and research the candidates and issues that will be decided by the people. On the ballot includes a gubernatorial race, U.S. Senate race and the chance to legalize recreational marijuana for adults and whether or not to expand Medicaid. Today is also national “Voter Registration Day.” A good reminder to make sure you are registered to vote where you live for this coming November election.



In Touch 9/06/24

Travis Lemer from Parks and Rec joins us to preview the fall/winter season…

In Touch 9/05/24

Cartor Carlson from the Aberdeen Kiwanas club join us to talk about the upcoming children’s carnival…
