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In Touch

In Touch 2/05/25

The folks from the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce joins us to talk about Business After Hours and more…

Herreid school evacuated due to fake threat of a man armed in the school

(KCCR – Pierre, SD) There’s no class today (April 20, 2023) at the Herried School and a suspect is in custody after a threat was made to the school yesterday.

A Facebook post from the Campbell County Sheriff’s Office last night says the unnamed female is awaiting an initial court appearance.

The incident began around 4pm when a Campbell County Sheriff’s Deputy attempted to stop a stolen vehicle approximately two miles south of Herreid. The female driver stopped, but would not comply with deputies’ commands to exit her vehicle. The driver said she had dropped a male with a gun off at the Herreid School. The driver then took off southbound and a vehicle pursuit was initiated. After approximately two miles, a 911 call came in to the North Central Regional E911 – Mobridge Communications Center a female caller said there was a male with a gun in the Herreid School. The pursuit was terminated and deputies responded to the school.

Campbell County deputies arrived on scene, immediately entered the school and began clearing classrooms. Law enforcement from the surrounding area also responded to assist. The school was cleared by law enforcement and no one was found. The initial investigation suggests the female suspect attempted to enter the school prior to the traffic stop, however the doors were locked.

There were no injuries and students and staff were allowed to re-enter the building after about 40 minutes.

The investigation continues.

Assisting the Campbell County Sheriff’s Office were the Walworth County Sheriff’s Office, South Dakota Highway Patrol, South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks, McPherson County Sheriff’s Office, Potter County Sheriff’s Office and the Mobridge Police Department.

