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In Touch

In Touch 9/12/24

The folks from the Aberdeen Catholic School System join us to talk about everything going on at Roncalli and beyond this month…

In Touch 9/11/24

Joe Kirby from South Dakota Open Primaries joins us to talk about Amendment H and more…

Productive wheat harvest in southeast Kansas

Productive wheat harvest in southeast Kansas

A southeast Kansas producer says they had an above average winter wheat harvest.

Zach Townsend of Coffeyville tells Brownfield, “Last year was probably one of our record wheat crops. Just a lot of 90-to-100-bushel wheat crops, and for our county that is tremendous. This year we are about 10 bushels off the pace.”

He says crop conditions were a pleasant surprise. “Very good crop with very good quality,” Townsend said. “Great test weights, it harvested easy, and we got on good moistures.”

Townsend says they finished harvesting at the beginning of the month.


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