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In Touch

In Touch 6/14/24

Eric Kline with Northern State joins us to give us an update on NSU…

In Touch 6/13/24

Cara Perrion at the K.O.Lee Library joins us to talk about summer programing at the library…

Open primaries makes November ballot

The South Dakota Secretary of State’s office has announced the Open Primaries measure has enough valid signatures to get on the ballot. Voters will get to chose this coming November if they want to do away with the current primary system, where voters only vote for their party candidates in the primary, and change things up where all candidates are on the same primary ballot and all voters get a chance to vote. Proponents say it is a more fair way to decide primary elections while opponents argue it takes power away from political parties.



In Touch 6/14/24

Eric Kline with Northern State joins us to give us an update on NSU…