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In Touch

In Touch 2/05/25

The folks from the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce joins us to talk about Business After Hours and more…

Lawmakers talk host of issues at weekend Legislative Cracker Barrel

Lawmakers spoke with constituents at the Aberdeen Chamber Legislative Cracker Barrel Saturday on the campus of Northern State University.

A host of issues were discussed including trans-children healthcare, public money to private schools, carbon capture pipeline construction and more.

One question was on medicaid expansion and the potential the state would put a work requirement on it to get it. Currently, the federal government will not allow such a work requirement, but lawmakers want to pass a “trigger law” to be enacted when and if an administration is in office that will allow such a requirement.

District 23 state senator Bryan Breitling explained…

A bill has been introduced which would allow parents to request vouchers from the Department of Education to put towards a private school of their choice. State Senator Al Novstrop, Republican from District 3, agrees with the legislation…

Finally, HB1163 was discussed which if passed would create a mechanism to ban books from public schools and libraries deemed offensive. District 3 Representative Carl Perry is a co-sponsor of the bill and spoke about its merits…

