In Touch 7/25/24
The folks from the Brown County Democrats join us to talk about the upcoming “Blue Jeans BBQ”…
Welcome to our new site!
The folks from the Brown County Democrats join us to talk about the upcoming “Blue Jeans BBQ”…
The folks from the upcoming Groton “Sip and Shop” join us to talk about the event…
Wayne Sorrentino with the 40/8 join us to talk about an upcoming event in Aberdeen and more…
The folks from Make-A-Wish South Dakota join us to talk about the upcoming poker run fundraiser…
The folks from Northern State University join us to talk about their new nursing program…
The folks from the Aberdeen Catholic School system join us to talk about everything going on at Roncalli and beyond this month…
The folks from Fort Sisseton State Park joins us to talk about the “Northern Fort Playhouse”…
Todd Jordre from the Aberdeen Area Humane society join us to talk about the upcoming “Puttin for Paws”…
Scott Waltman from the Aberdeen Curling Club joins us to talk about the new “Cash Calendar” fundraiser…
The folks from Hub City Softball join us to talk about the upcoming “Battle of the Heroes” fundraising event…
Dakota Broadcasting
506 S Main St, Suite 3
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Office Phone: 605-725-5551
Maverick Request Line: 605-725-4105
The Shark Request Line: 605-725-4107
Dakota Broadcasting/Community First Broadcasting
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