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In Touch

In Touch 9/06/24

Travis Lemer from Parks and Rec joins us to preview the fall/winter season…

In Touch 9/05/24

Cartor Carlson from the Aberdeen Kiwanas club join us to talk about the upcoming children’s carnival…

Explosion Sunday at Onida ethanol plant

(Dakota Radio Group News – Pierre, SD) No one was injured early this afternoon (1:02pm, July 9, 2023) in an explosion and fire at the Ringneck Energy ethanol plant in Onida.

Onida Volunteer Fire Department Chief Caleb Shepherd told DRG Media Group that six employees were at work at the time. He says there’s major structural damage to the ethanol production portion of the plant.

Shepherd says the Sully County Sheriff’s Office has secured the scene and it will remain secured until the South Dakota Fire Marshal’s Office investigators arrive tomorrow. He says one mile of old Highway 83 will remain closed to all traffic until further notice.

Shepherd says they had 20 firefighters and five trucks working on the scene. He says they were assisted by:

  • Onida Ambulance– 2 members
  • Sully County Sheriff’s Office– 2 members
  • Blunt Volunteer Fire Department– 7 members, 1 truck
  • Pierre Rural Volunteer Fire Department– 6 members, 2 trucks
  • Pierre Volunteer Fire Department– 5 members, 1 ladder truck
  • Pierre Rescue– 1 member


In Touch 9/06/24

Travis Lemer from Parks and Rec joins us to preview the fall/winter season…

In Touch 9/05/24

Cartor Carlson from the Aberdeen Kiwanas club join us to talk about the upcoming children’s carnival…
